Nobody should die of cancer, in this age and time.
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Executive Health Packages

Home  /  Executive Health Packages

All packages include a final consultation ( video or face-to-face) with a medical consultant registered with the general medical council UK

Our Method for Efficient Healthcare

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Personalized Health Advice in 30 Minutes

Once you book an appointment on website and pay a deposit, a telephone/zoom appointment will be arranged for 30 minutes with medical consultant and individual will be helped as to which package or investigations will be required.

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Effortless Appointments and Payments

A member of team at executive health check will arrange further appointments after checking your availability. Payment for all investigations will be made to executive health prior to any investigations.

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Stay Informed About Your Health Status

After the results of the tests are available, a final consultation will be done by medical consultant to inform about the results. If any abnormality is found, a referral letter will be given to either GP or relevant consultants along with copies of relevant investigations for further assessment.